February 23, 2010

The Champ!

JFFL Team Meeting, originally uploaded by Big Mike's Photography.

The Doormats win two in a row. Good Job Scott!

February 19, 2010

Harris Hill Soaring Center, Elmira, NY

Winter on the top of Harris Hill near the Soaring Center in Elmira, NY. This airstrip is near the National Soaring Museum one of only two museums dedicated to motor-less flight. Elmira, NY is regarded as the "Soaring Capital of America."

February 15, 2010

Share of Real Estate Development Company For Sale

We are selling our share of our real estate development in Montana.  Please pass this on the anyone that you think may be interested.  Thanks.

February 6, 2010

Nathan The Ham

Nathan The Ham, originally uploaded by Big Mike's Photography.

This is our friend Nathan from Arizona. As you can tell, he's quite a character.

Jake and Mike Playing Guitar

This is our friend Mike playing guitar with Jake. Jake is getting very good. He practices every day.

Abandoned Homestead

This old abandoned house is about a mile from our home. It always catches my eye. Oh the stories it could tell.

Morning on the Farm

A picture of a farm near my home. I especially liked the color of the barns and the silo in contrast to the blue sky.