June 25, 2010
Clouds in Black and White
Two Worlds in HDR: Day 5 – Getting Ready for International HDR Day
Two Worlds in HDR: Day 5 – Getting Ready for International HDR Day: "
Creative Commons - Non-commercial - Trey Ratcliff
Image © Rick Sammon
It’s Day 5 of Two Worlds in HDR . . . leading up to International HDR Day, on June 26th. Click here for more information (prizes, etc.) on International HDR Day.
Trey Ratcliff’s tip for today’s image: Reflections of Fitz Roy – The light and texture of mountains and sky are sometimes more easily realized with HDR.
Rick Sammon’s tip for today’s image: You snooze you lose. Get up early and stay out late to capture beautiful HDR images. Remember, there is no substitute for great light.
If you are just getting into HDR imaging, or want some ideas, check out our HDR books:
A World in HDR – by Trey
HDR Photography Secrets – by Rick
Also check out Trey’s new Textures tutorial DVD, it’s very cool. Trey will also has an HDR instructional DVD in the works, so make sure to keep an eye on http://stuckincustoms.com.
Here’s a quick video I did on HDR imaging. Enjoy!
If you are totally new to HDR, you’ll need an HDR program to process your images, such as Photomatix.
You can get a 15% discount when purchasing Photomatix, make sure to use this code upon checkout: “DigitalPhotoExperience”.
Topaz Adjust can also help in expanding the dynamic range of an image, although it’s not a true HDR program. You can order Topaz adjust here. (Make sure to use the discount code “juanpons” for an extra 15% off).
Good luck to you all!
Explore the light,
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June 18, 2010
Butterfly Photo Tips
Butterfly Photo Tips: "

The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. – Rabindranath Tagore
Canon 1Ds Mark II
Canon 50mm Macro Lens
Manual Mode
ISO 400
f/9.0 @ 1/80th sec.
Canon MR-14EX Ring Lite
Photo tips:
• Learn about a subject from an expert. He or she can help you find and identify butterflies.
• Use a tripod to steady your shots for natural light macro picture.
• Before heading off to photograph in a butterfly sanctuary, ask if tripods are allowed and if the center offers special photo tours.
• When using a ringlight, experiment with even and ratio lighting (possible by adjusting the light output of the flash tubes in the ringlight. Try top light and side light, too.
• Practice your butterfly photography at home with silk butterflies (available on line) before you go out on shoot.
• Want to attract butterflies? Plant a butterfly bush in your backyard.
Explorer the light,